Thursday, May 12, 2011

LeBron and His So Called "Apology" to Cleveland

Lebron James

LeBron James finally apologized to the city of Cleveland for the way his "decision" went down last summer. Yeah, right. In a post game interview following the Miami Heat's 97-87 Game 5 victory over the Boston Celtics, a game in which the Heat eliminated Boston, sending the league's oldest looking team to an early vacation, James tried to extend an olive branch to the city of Cleveland by offering sentiment for the way he handled himself during last summer's free agent chase for his services. It was nearly 1 year to the day that James concluded his worst playoff series as a professional, against these same Celtics, a series that still stings Cleveland sports fans all the way to their core. Sitting at the podium, with his buddy Dwyane Wade, a Miami Heat baseball cap positioned on the table between them, James answered questions from long-time friend, national writer, and Cleveland native Brian Windhorst. It was at that point, that James offered up the apology.

As I was having breakfast with my daughter this morning, I decided to turn on the local radio sports talk shows. I had already seen the tweets from Mike and Mike, Adrian Wojarnowski, Windhorst, and all the rest of the national guys. This was going to be a hot topic today. I tuned in to the Really Big Show with Tony Rizzo, knowing I would get an honest reaction from a lifelong Cleveland guy. Co-host Aaron Goldhammer had just been on with Mike and Mike to give his perspective (and try to convey the Cleveland sports fan's point of view) to the national audience. Rizzo was incensed.

Once again, LeBron demonstrated that he just doesn't understand Cleveland sports fans. He insulted our intelligence and our emotional investment in our players and sports teams. Offering up an apology while you're riding high isn't exactly the most sincere way to go, LeBron. In fact, it's a cop out. It only fuels our hate for you even more. I expected a lot more (we all did) from a guy who grew up here, played pro sports here for 7 years, and from someone who still lives here in the offseason. Clearly, we all continue to be wrong about this man.

Do I want an apology from LeBron James? Hell yes I do. Here's what I want an apology for. I want an apology from James for him destroying basketball in this city after he promised to restore it. I want an apology for the way he handcuffed our team during free agency by not revealing his plans until the last possible moment, thus turning our team into one of the worst teams in the league this year and setting us back at least 3 years. I want an apology for the arrogant ass way you went on national TV, embarrassed us, then didn't even show a shred of remorse about it. How about an apology for the way you quit on everyone in last year's playoff series against Boston? Apologize to the franchise for doing everything in their power to trade for the players YOU wanted, sign the players YOU wanted, but couldn't hit the home run they needed because YOU wouldn't sign anything longer than a 3 year contract. Apologize for the way we threw away drafts, took on enormous contracts, altered travel plans, and gave your buddies jobs, only to watch you throw it in all our faces because YOU couldn't deliver on your end of the deal. Apologize for the way you helped organize a celebration on national TV the day after you ripped out this city's heart. You acted like you never cared. Why should I believe you now?

Maybe you should just apologize for not giving us your full attention for the last 7 years. Apologize for never understanding this cities passion, while admitting that all you care about is yourself at the end of the day. Apologize for the way you had one eye on basketball in Cleveland, and one eye on your new approaching situation in Miami with your friends. Apologize for knowing the whole time you were leaving, and for not telling us. Why don't you organize an hour long special for that?


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